Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 8 : My Creative Content

"First, for relatively little expense, companies can collect new creative ideas, as well as fresh perspectives on the brand and what it actually means to consumers who experience it." (Ch. 12, P. 32)
For my creative content, I thought to create advertising a "COOL" food truck online and promoting it through social networking websites such as FaceBook, Twitter & MySpace.  Selling MERCHANDISE through out online website, we will be able to fund ourselves and make appearances at high schools, middle schools & college events.  Also, we will promote our creative content at events like Streats (a food/entertainment event hosted by the El Cortez casino) once a month.  All of our menu items will have cool funny looking logo's next to them to sort of "cartoonize" the look of our food.  Also, we will give away a free meal to every 100th customer each and every day.  We will make this known by putting up a sign on our truck.  Last but certainly not least, at our big events we will bring out our mascot!  The incredibly hungry talking chicken.  This chicken will wear a taco as a suit.  It will be the greatest invention since the Tiki Taco Truck itself..

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