Monday, August 15, 2011

EOC Week 6 : Me x 3 Products I Use

In my generation, the internet and social networking experience is valued extremely highly and more than previous generations.  Having a comfortable way to access those luxuries in the fast-paced high-tech world we live in today is extremely important.  A product I use for all my technological needs are Apple based computers and cell phone devices.  The reason I use that certain brand is because not only are Apple computers so fast and easy to use, but they also provide with a great experience.  I have a 13” MacBook Pro, a 27” iMac desktop, an iPhone 4, and am soon planning on snatching up the iPad 2.  I love Apple and their technology because of their unique style experience they provide.  Although it is a lot more expensive than regular laptops, computers and cell phones, I believe they have a “right” to charge a little bit more than other laptop, computer, and cell phone companies because their product is a hundred and a half times better.  I also tend to use Gillette products when shaving.  They just seem to work perfectly and my dad has always used that same brand when it comes to razors and shaving cream.  Nike has also seems to be my subconscious all time decision when buying shoes.  I never really gave it much thought but looking at my closet; almost all my shoes are of Nike brand.  I guess it has has become the brand of choice because that’s the brand I’ve always bought and that my parents have bought me.  It’s the little things that make you a life-time customer.  My parents were happy with buying me Nike brand shoes and clothing that has made me a life-time customer. 

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